From Gallatin police reports to the medical examiner's report (which was not even signed) the death of Grant Solomon was not thoroughly or properly attended to by anyone's standards.

Aaron Solomon's Statement
In the 911 call - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN - Aaron immediately says "I've got 3 guys here." He does not mention them here. According to a witness, he came out when he heard sirens and saw Aaron alone pacing on his cell phone in the parking lot.

Mr. Hall's Statement
Private investigators took a statement from an employee who says he came out with another employee at the sound of sirens approaching. Mr. Hall and Mr. Mark find Aaron alone in the parking lot and thought "something was wrong with the way Aaron was describing what happened."

Responding Officer
The lack of detail on such a serious event is shocking.

Investigation Complete
All evidence indicates the incident happened at the bottom of the driveway by the ditch. The truck and Grant's body were located on government property. However, Aaron Solomon's statement was taken, the incident logged as occurring on private property, and the investigation marked complete.

Injuries Do Not Match Aaron's Account
According to his father, Grant's truck dragged him across the asphalt of the parking lot, over the grassy knoll, and down into a steep rocky ditch.
Grant's injuries are completely inconsistent with that statement.

No Autopsy, No Organ Donation
Aaron declined an autopsy before Angie even got to the hospital. Grant's organs were viable for donation and Angie had the hope of hearing his heart live on in someone else. Those hopes were dashed when she learned that he had also declined organ donation before she arrived.

Grant's Injuries
A bruise on the upper thigh. A bruise on his hip. A blow to the jaw. And a single fatal blow to the back of Grant's head. NO OTHER INJURIES.
(Any other indicators referred to actions of the EMS.)

Grant's Injuries
There are no injuries consistent with this scenario.

Grant's Injuries
Although Aaron's story does not make sense in any scenario, the GPD have refused to open the investigation.

History of Domestic Violence
The critical question of whether there is a history of domestic violence was left blank. In addition, there were blood emissions from the nose and mouth noted in the following report.

Protocol For Blunt Traumatic Arrest
"Forced under the vehicle as it was rolling down an inclined parking lot until finally coming to rest in the drainage ditch."
Blunt Trauma Arrest is the protocol when a cardiac attack is triggered by a blunt force trauma. No one questioned how a body who had supposedly been through such trauma had no correlating injuries? Note that the weight of the truck was not on Grant. The truck was over him, not pinning him.

Clean Shoes & Socks
How could a 6'3" boy be dragged under a truck across a parking lot and down into a rocky ditch with not one scuff or dirt mark on his shoes and socks?