Grant's Death
On July 20, 2020, Grant Solomon was tragically killed in a still unexplained incident in Gallatin, Tennessee.
His father, with whom he had a volatile relationship, was the only witness. Aaron Solomon claims he saw Grant exit the truck, but then looked away, and the next thing he sees is the truck rolling into the ditch. Neither evidence at the scene nor Grant's injuries match the account Aaron gave GPD, who took his word for it and closed the case.
All photos taken by the Gallatin Police Department. Grant was found under the front of the truck, on his back, with his head pointed toward the building.

The sidewalk area and ditch are government property. It was treated like a private parking lot incident. According to his own testimony, Aaron stayed up in the parking lot and did not attend to his son himself. Listen to the 911 Call
The rear right tire track is also clearly visible. The absence of tracks at the top and the presence at the bottom were ignored by the Gallatin Police.

By the driver's side door, a bloody rock is circled on the left. Grant's glasses are circled by the sidewalk on the right.

According to Toyota, the Tacoma's bumpers are meant to fold under even minor pressure. The Gallatin Police used this as "evidence" the truck "crashed backward" into the ditch. The high jack lift that was used on the front to lift the front of the truck would also have caused the back bumper to come into contact with the sidewalk and fold under.

Grant was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. His father claims the truck dragged him down the parking lot into the ditch. The engine would have been burning after an hour drive.
Note the direction of the front tires. Grant's body was under the front between the tires with his feet toward the road.

There are no tracks through the grass to indicate a truck had rolled through it, dragging a 6'3" male. From every angle, the grass stands tall and undamaged.
Not only are there no tracks at the top, tire tracks on the sidewalk prove the truck drove forward.

Grant's glasses were found up by the sidewalk. Grant could not see without his glasses and always wore them. If his glasses are here, the obvious conclusion is that Grant was last standing here, not at the top of the parking lot.

A closeup of the bloody rock beside the driver's side front door. Grant only had two injuries - a blow to the jaw and a fatal blow to the black of the head.

While crashing backward into the ditch would have caused major damage, the minor damage to the bumper is easily explained by experts. According to TruckDefender.com, most all truck enthusiasts agree - get a custom bumper on the Toyota Tacoma. The bumper "isn't up to the challenges of daily life."

This is the asphalt of that parking lot. No blood or other evidence of human flesh coming into contact with it was found. Grant's body had no abrasions, burns, or even scrapes.

Full view of the grassy area the truck supposedly crashed through. How was this ignored? Be sure to read how Aaron allegedly fraudulently scrapped the trucks months later.